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Hello Campaign Mental Health Ireland

Mental Health Ireland launched the "Hello" campaign with the objective of encouraging individuals to genuinely inquire about each other's well-being. Despite its simplicity, the campaign aims to foster meaningful connections.

The event took place at Limerick Train Station, where a pop-up station was set up at the arrival/departure gate, ensuring visibility and interaction with the Mental Health Ireland team.

My role involved capturing video footage of the event throughout the day and producing a video for social media, as well as creating promotional materials such as posters.

Anticipating the diverse crowd at the train station, including many with limited English proficiency, I designed minimalistic posters featuring "hello" in various languages to facilitate engagement.

PBC Builders generously volunteered staff to assist with the event. One of their ideas was to establish "Hello" stations at their Limerick sites, where they would distribute free donuts to spark conversations. Unfortunately, due to health and safety concerns, this plan was not executed. However, I still created a promotional poster for it.

A key takeaway from the campaign was the power of a warm, infectious smile. I incorporated this into the promotional poster by featuring a woman with a welcoming smile, aiming to convey comfort and ease. To enhance this feeling, I chose a font with rounded shapes, known to induce calmness and comfort, akin to the design principles seen in Disney characters.

To maintain a clean and approachable design, I included ample white space and limited text to only the campaign name and a brief description, considering the likely rush of passersby. I opted for a black-and-grey image with a touch of blue to align with Mental Health Ireland's branding. Additionally, I created a yellow-on-black poster featuring the campaign name, available support services, and a QR code directing to the Limerick Mental Health page for easy access to resources.

The video of the event aimed to capture the natural ease and comfort of conversations, showcasing genuine interactions rather than staged engagements. Participants were invited to write messages on speech bubbles, which were then shared on social media.

I used an iPhone 14 and a camera stand for filming, editing the footage in Premiere Pro. The intro and outro were created in After Effects and exported via Media Encoder, with the final video assembled in Premiere Pro. The background music was a royalty-free track sourced from YouTube.

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