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Homs Assist Social Media Videos

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Homs Assist Social Media Videos

Homs Assist, an esteemed and award-winning client-centric law firm operating in Ireland, sought to enhance their online presence by commissioning the production of concise 30-60 second short-form videos tailored for social media platforms.

To achieve this, the video content was professionally filmed by an external company and subsequently submitted to our team for meticulous editing and optimization for social media dissemination.

Our first step involved a comprehensive review of the raw footage, during which we skillfully curated the content by eliminating any extraneous elements that hindered its effectiveness. This encompassed the removal of unnecessary and prolonged pauses, presenter errors, redundant segments, general background chatter, and unwanted background noise, among other refinements. However, the process presented its challenges, as several presenters were novices in this format, leading to rapid speech that complicated the seamless trimming of video segments. To address this, we leveraged Adobe Premiere Pro, where we strategically inserted hold frames during instances where the presenter displayed a neutral facial expression between words. This technique granted us a brief 2-3 second window to artfully insert an ending sequence, ensuring a more natural flow to the video.

Not content with mediocrity, we continuously sought to elevate the quality of the videos. Initially, the introduction featured a static logo, but upon reviewing the initial draft, we identified an opportunity for improvement. We embarked on recreating the logo as a captivating Motion logo, infusing the title sequence with enhanced visual appeal, making it more engaging to the discerning audience

The result is a collection of professionally edited, visually captivating, and succinct short-form videos, showcasing the excellence of Homs Assist and effectively connecting with their target audience across social media platforms.

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