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Pathway CAO Advert

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Pathway CAO Advert

I spearheaded a captivating CAO promotional video for the Pathway Project, centered around their groundbreaking Educational survey designed to guide students in making informed college choices based on their interests and hobbies.

The primary challenge we encountered was tailoring our approach to the target audience’s age group, ranging from 16 to 19 years old. Given their short attention spans and propensity to easily lose focus, we recognized the critical need for a fast-paced and visually engaging content from the outset.

In crafting the narrative, we drew inspiration from the title sequence of the movie ‘Catch Me if You Can,’ skillfully crafted by the renowned French duo, Olivier Kuntzel, and Florence Deygas. Leveraging their use of vibrant colors and simplistic shapes to tell a compelling story, we aimed to capture and maintain our viewers’ attention throughout the advert.

To achieve this, we opted for a palette of vibrant colors, evoking an almost pastel and neon-like aura, while also incorporating the most popular college courses to resonate with our audience and further retain their interest.

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